This site is designed to help students at CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies build a digital portfolio site. It’s pre-loaded with instructional text to help you customize. At any time you can view a copy of these instructions on the SLU Etudiante Template Site.
For this site, we started off by using the Academic Portfolio template, then switched over to the theme, named Rowling, which is a friendly theme for visual components. We are also using SLU colors, red and black.
Here is where you would place a brief biography of yourself, including a statement of your research interests, summary of publications, teaching areas, and affiliations. Considering answering the following questions: Where did I come from? Where am I now? Where am I going?
You might also place a photograph onto this page. Do not worry if you don’t have professional headshots, but please make sure your photos are presentable and respect your own personal privacy boundaries. For example, do not post photos of your children if you do not intend to make them public!

To edit the text on this page or any other page, merely click the “Edit” button that appears below (if you do not see the “edit” button, make sure you are logged in the CUNY Academic Commons). You can also make changes to the menu above byIf you choose to change the title of this page, you may also want to change it in the main navigation Menu from the Dashboard > Appearance > Menus > Menu Structure page while logged into the Commons. There, you’ll see links to pages that we’ve pre-populated for you. You can rearrange these, delete them, or add new pages that you’ve created.
To see the Pages that we’ve created or to add new Pages, click on this link. To change the settings and name for the site, follow this link.
Consider adding a block with your contact information.
Remember! think of your own privacy boundaries. ONLY add a phone number and email address that you intend to use publicly. If you do not intend to make your personal cell phone number a public number, consider creating a Google Voice number under your Gmail account and link it to your personal number.
Alternatively, consider activating the plugin “Contact Form 7 Widget” and “Contact Form 7.” These plugins allow you to embed a contact form such as the one below on a page, post, or your sidebar.
[email protected]